Sunday, January 29, 2012


Sneak a Peek at New Seasons of Game of Thrones and True Blood!


Calling all Houses and fangbangers!
HBO, ever the gracious network, decided to gift two huge fantasy fanbases tonight with trailers for the new seasons of Game of Thrones and True Blood. Huzzah!
So what can you expect from the two fan favorites when they return?
While the new True Blood promo gave us no new (or shirtless) footage, it did offer us this awesome tease: "In Bon Temps, nothing stays buried forever." Yeah, we're guessing this has to do with the death of Debbie Pelt (Brit Morgan), which is definitely going to cause problems for Sookie (Anna Paquin).
As for Game of Thrones, the Old Gods graced us with some brand spankin' new footage! With a chilling description of what's to come from Varys (Conleth Hill), the trailer offers a look at all of our favorites (Jon Snow, Daenerys, Arya!) and some of our not-so-favorites (aka the most hated character currently on TV) King Joffrey (Jack Gleeson). Bonus: Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) is ready to play the game, y'all!
So yes, winter is coming...and we can't freakin' wait.
Game of Thrones returns April 1 at 9 p.m. and True Blood returns this summer.
Geek out with us in the comments, won't you? Tell us your favorite part of each trailer and dissect the new Game of Thrones footage frame-by-frame with us!



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